First time in India-Fully Residential 100 days Weight Loss Camp

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If you are looking for Weight loss Camp In India, You have landed at the correct place, This article will help and guide you to choose the best Weight loss Camp in India, Lets understand the concept of weight loss camp. Weight loss camps are full residential program operated by Fitness Coaches to ensure the peoples who attend these program should reduce weight and learn the way living a healthy life. These concepts are very common in United states.

Why Weight loss camp?

Loosing weight is not a easy task, It required more commitment and motivation than other resources, We all know about the process required for weight loss- Healthy Diet followed by Physical Activity. But most of us are not able to follow this simple rule. There are many people who thinks to start following this but could not start it, And those who start could not maintain it for more than couple of days.

You must have experience the same thing in your journey of reducing weight, Its not easy to change our habits, To make the process of changing habit Easy and Effective, Weight loss camps plays a important role, there fixed routine and the atmosphere created with 100 of similar minds at same place, struggling with same problems, make a Long lasting impact on our mind.

Social Media has also played a important role in developing these Weight loss camps, Most of the products and services do not work for actual weight loss. Lets understand this thing in deep. Social Media Platforms are full of weight loss products and services, Most of the claims are false and scam. There are guaranteed weight loss programs and services too, but no one seems to be get benefits from these products and service.

Weight Loss Facebook ads
Screen Shot of Weight loss ads on Facebook

In above image you can see the result of running search query of Facebook ads library, we got a result which shows that currently 39000 Paid ads running for weight loss category. The second and third image is of Facebook post of claiming weight loss. There are plenty of such post daily floating on Facebook and Instagram. These companies and sellers manipulate human psychology, recognizing that obese individuals may desire weight loss without engaging in physical activity.

Affordable Weight loss Camps In India

Weight loss camp or Boot camp are not so famous in India as it is in United States, Currently there are very few and limited options available in India. Options which are available are very costly. Lets have look at Fat camp, Boot camp or Weight loss camp operating in United States markets.

Detailed video of Boot Camps for Fat Kids in United States

In India there are no Military style camps or Boot camps organized as its is done in US. In India most the weight loss camps are yoga retreats or related to Ayurveda, and are short term programs. A famous website which offer weight loss camps in India, largely sells Yoga Retreats and Detoxifying plans. List of camps can be viewed below along with there price.

Yoga Retreats
Cheapest Yoga Retreats in India

While Searching the Cheapest Weight loss camps in India on google, we got the result of these places, which offer weight loss, But actually there is focus is more into Yoga & Mediation.

Example of few costliest are below, there focus is also on Yoga & Meditation.

Yoga Retreats Costliest
Yoga Retreats Costliest

Residential Fitness Boot Camp India | Best Weight loss Camps

True Yatra and its team has designed a 100 days Full Residential Weight loss program at a very reasonable cost, the program is designed in such a way that Obese people will get the maximum benefits. The first and best fat camp for adults will be organized from 5th April 2025 In Rishikesh, Uttarakhand India.

The program duration has been kept long to make a deeper impact on persons habit and health. During these 3 months your body and mind will get use to it. Your food habits, level of physical activities and thought process regarding food and exercise will completely be changed. Altogether you will get a better version of yourself after completion of this program.

Details of Weight Loss Camp

  • Duration of camp- 100 days
  • Start date- 5th May 2025
  • End Date- 15th August 2025
  • Location- Rishikesh, Uttarakhand.
  • Fees & Charges- For Indian Residents INR- 11,3000/- For International Candidates USD $1400
  • Registration Charges- For Indian Residents -INR- Rs 5000/- & For Non Residents or International candidates USD $ 500.
  • Inclusion- Food, Stay and Training all Inclusive.
  • Eligibility- Anyone above above 18 years- Male or Female

Daily routine during Weight loss Camp

A typical day will start at 4am during camp and will end at 9pm, during these hours you will be engage in various trainings and physical activities.

  • 4:00 Am- Morning Wake Up Call
  • 4:30Am to 6:00Pm- Morning Walk/ Running
  • 6:00 AM to 7:00AM- Yoga
  • 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM- Meditation
  • 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM- Break (Person time & Breakfast)
  • 10 AM to 1PM- Sports and On Ground
  • 1PM to 3PM- Break (Personal Time & Lunch)
  • 3PM to 5PM – Sports and Exercise
  • 5PM to 7PM- Long Walk / Running
  • 7PM to 8PM- Break (Dinner Time)
  • 8PM to 9PM- Activities, Group Dance and Music.
Weight loss Camp for Adults
Weight loss Camp for Adults

Who can Join this Camp.

Any one Male or female above 18 years of age can join this camp, Citizens from all the countries around the world with valid visa are allowed to attend this program.

This Weight loss camp is ideal for-

  • Girls & Boys Getting married and want to look Best at their wedding.
  • Girls and Boys not getting there perfect match due to weight issue
  • Corporate Employees suffering from Obesity and their career growth is impacted due to weight
  • Business Man not able to manage there daily routine due to heavy weight
  • Married women’s suffering from Thyroid and PCOS due to weight issue
  • Married women’s not able to conceive due to weight issues
  • Students those have completed 18 Years and struggling with there weight.
  • Couples not able to enjoy there married life due to weight issue

If you still have any Question or Query related to Camp, Kindly fill this Inquiry form and we will be happy to connect with you.

Weight Loss camp for Girls
Weight Loss camp for Girls
3 month weight loss camp
3 month weight loss camp

Step wise guide to join Weight Loss Camp

  • Fill Up the Registration form
  • Pay Registration amount and submit the form.
  • On receiving of payment/ Registration fee you will receive a confirmation on email.
  • With in 7 days you will get details of Start date and reporting time through email.
  • Payment of Full fees before 15 days of start date.

Frequently Asked Questions

My age is 60 years can I Join this weight loss program?

Any person of any age can join this program, Our Coaches and Doctors will assess you condition and will create groups basis different level of fitness.

I am from France will be coming to India specially for this Weight loss program?

All Individuals from all nations are welcome and most invited to join this camp, as a good gesture, team of true yatra will be arranging a free pickup from Delhi Airport for all International candidates without any extra cost.

I am a student and I would not be able to attend full 100 days?

We recommend to complete at least 75% duration in one go to take out desired benefit from program. If due to urgency you wont be able to continue, You have one time option to change of batch, Based on your requested dates we can shift you in next batch, But that will be purely on Subject to availability of Seats. But in any case refund amount is not possible.

My marriage is date is fixed and will only be able to complete 90 days in camp?

90% attendance is sufficient for visible changes, after completion of 90 days you yourself will feel changes in you.

My Son or daughter wants to attend the camp with me?

Any Minor under 18 years of age can come and join the camp along with there parents, Full fees will be charged for all kids above 10 years of age.

Me and My wife both wants to join the camp, but our kids are small they need baby sitter?

You can bring your baby sitter along with you, cost of stay and food has to be by you. Or we can arrange the baby sitter and Baby care facility in camp if there are number of such parents at a nominal cost.

Is there minimum and maximum weight criteria to join this program?

No such rules are there, But any individual who can walk with its own up to 500 meters is healthy to join this program.

Our daughter will be attending this camp, How safe is this place for women’s?

There will be healthy mix of Male and female in the group, A Male and female Camp in charge will be deployed 24 hours in the camp. Women safety is our priority and will ensure all safety measure are taken care off to ensure all females are safe.

I am a US citizen, Why should travel to India to attend this camp, we already boot camps and weight loss camp here?

The first benefit is cost, Your cost of attending a camp in India will way cheaper than in United States, even if you include travel fare and visa cost, the second benefit will be that you will be able explore True India very closely.

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