Khudurukuni osha

Khudurukuni osha is a festival primarily celebrated by the women’s and girls. During the festival, Devi Mangala is worshipped by young girls to seek the safety, Prosperity, and good health of their brothers. Khudurukuni Osha brings loads of fun, waves of nostalgia, and merry-making. The festival is also known as Bhalukuni Osha.

Khudururkuni Osha’s rituals are based on the legend of a young girl. Unmarried girls wake up early in the morning and collect various flowers. After that, they take a shower, and they start praying to the sun by making small Mounts of sand or clay on the bank of the river and ponds, decorating that with turmeric powder, vermilion, and all types of flowers.

The festival is just more than a festival; It’s a sacred festival that brings communities together, strengthens family ties, and preserves the rich cultural heritage of Odisha.

Read more about Odisha Festival

History of Khudururkuni Osha

According to the legends, Khudurukni was a beloved and virtuous girl he name “Tapoi” is prevalent in this festivity and this is how her story goes. She was the only and the youngest sister to her seven brothers. They all belonged to a rich trader family.

Being the only sister she was loved and pampered by her parents and all brothers and their wives alike. All of her demands were fulfilled. Once she demanded a golden moon which was a moon-shaped ornament made of gold), to which her family obliged despite a few hiccups. By the Fulfillment of the golden moon, both her parents died. Thereafter, her family’s financial condition worsened a lot and when the time for maritime voyages arrived, all the seven brothers went out for trading cautioning their wives to take good care of their sister, Tapoi.

All her sister-in-laws barring the youngest one started ill-treating Tapoi. Despite being treated very badly and inhumanly, she patiently waited for her brothers to return. But it was only her youngest sister-in-law who was supportive of Tapoi. Being treated in an ill-mannered way, she while wandering one day saw some girls worshipping Maa Mangala.

By becoming aware of her Pain and Suffering, the young girl said to Tapoi that if she wanted to get respite from all her sufferings and seek the safe return of her brothers, then she prayed firmly and sought blessings of Maa Mangala. She was also advised by them to fast on particular Sundays.

Tapoi offered Khuda to the Goddess as she had nothing else to offer. Very Soon her prayers were answered and her brothers returned. On knowing their sisters’ Condition, all these brothers as on decided to teach their wives a lesson.

The brothers Ornamented Tapoi as a goddess and thereafter the wives were informed to visit the ships and welcome their husbands back home. Tapoi then takes her revenge for suffering by cutting each of the wives’ noses except for the youngest one.

Why Khudurukuni is celebrated

According to the legends, Khudurukuni is a beloved and virtuous girl, chosen by the gods to bring back happiness and prosperity to her family. As a gesture of gratitude, her family pledged to celebrate the everlasting youth with a grand festival, which later came to be known as Khudurukuni Osha.

The festival is noted by prayers, fasting, and offerings to honor the goddess and divine presence. the festival Devi Mangala is worshipped by young girls to seek the safety, Prosperity, and good health of their brothers.

Highlights of Kundururkuni Osha

  • It is a festival primarily celebrated by the women’s and girls.
  • In the festival, Devi Mangala is worshipped by young girls to seek the safety, Prosperity, and good health of their brothers.
  • Young unmarried girls wake up early in the morning and collect various flowers. After that, they take a shower, and they start praying to the sun by making small Mounts of sand or clay on the bank of the river and ponds.
  • During Khudurukuni Osha, women and girls observe a day-long fast, abstaining from consuming any solid food
  • In the evening, the women break their fast by partaking in a simple yet sumptuous vegetarian feast.
  • Khuda Bhaja which means Broken Rice. Ukhuda which means fried paddy sweetened with molasses, Chuda is flattened paddy, Kanti Kakudi is a type of thorny Cucumber, Lia is fried paddy, Mishri is a Sugar candy, Coconut and all types of fruits are offered to the goddess.

Khudurukuni Osha 2022

The festival was celebrated on 14th August in the year 2022

Khudurukuni Osha 2023

The festival is celebrated on September 3rd in the year 2023

Khudurukuni Osha 2024

The festival date is still awaited to be announced.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we celebrate Khudurukuni Osha?

The festival is celebrated to pray for the safe return of Voyagers.

In which month is Khudurukuni OSHA celebrated in Odia?

The festival is celebrated in the month of Bhadra which is from month August- September.

Who celebrated  the Khudurukuni Osha Festival?

It is a festival primarily celebrated by the women’s and girls.

What offerings are made to the god?

Khuda Bhaja which means Broken Rice. Ukhuda which means fried paddy sweetened with molasses, Chuda is flattened paddy, Kanti Kakudi is a type of thorny Cucumber, Lia is fried paddy, Mishri is a Sugar candy, Coconut and all types of fruits are offered to the goddess.

Which God/ Goddess is worshipped during the festival?

In the festival, Devi Mangala is worshipped by young girls to seek the safety, Prosperity, and good health of their brothers.

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