51 Shakti Peeth list

51 shakti peeth list

Its is known that there are 51 Shakti Peeth all over the world, The 51 shakti peeth list is arranged below , the classification has been done based on district, State and Country. These 51 Shakti Peeth are located in 6 country. Main in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Tibet. 51 shakti Peeth … Read more

Explore India’s Top 20 famous Temples

temples of India

India is considered as one of the oldest civilizations in the world and is also known to be the origin place of few of the most important religions of the world including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. With over thousands of temples of India, we are sharing most beautiful and famous temples of India. Famous … Read more

Kalighat Temple, Kolkata

Kalighat Temple

Kalighat Temple or Kali temple is a renowned Hindu temple located in Kalighat, Kolkata. It is considered as one of the Shakti peetha among 51 shakti peeth located in the world. This famous temple is dedicated to the Hindu goddess Kali. In this shakti peeth, The goddess is worshipped as Dakshina Kali and Lord Shiva … Read more