51 Shakti Peeth list

51 shakti peeth list

Its is known that there are 51 Shakti Peeth all over the world, The 51 shakti peeth list is arranged below , the classification has been done based on district, State and Country. These 51 Shakti Peeth are located in 6 country. Main in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Tibet. 51 shakti Peeth … Read more

Subarnapur the Golden City of Odisha


Subarnapur or Sonepur also known as Swarnapur is also known for its scenic beauty. For its scenic beauty, it is known as “Golden Beauty”. It has its headquarters in Subarnapur City. It is also known as the Second Varanasi of India because of its architectural temples. The famous Gandhamardan Hill and Harishankar temple are situated … Read more